Welcome to QUEST: Questioning, Exploring, Sounding our faith, and Travelling together at St Paul Knightsbridge in London.
THEOLOGY 101 is the online introduction to theology at St Paul Knightsbridge (London) in conversation with Victor Stock and Nick Mercer.
The first ever introduction to theology happened during the time between Easter Day and Pentecost when the Risen Jesus “presented himself alive to his disciples after his suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God” (Acts 1.3).
We shall do the same during this Easter time, every Wednesday evening at 6 PM, for 40 minutes on zoom. There will be 7 conversations on key aspects of Christian faith and practice:
14th April: Scripture (Nick Mercer)
21st April: Liturgy (Victor Stock)
28th April: The Incarnation (Victor Stock)
5th May: The Church (Nick Mercer)
12th May: A Rule of Life (Nick Mercer)
19th May: The Holy Spirit (Nick Mercer)
26th May: “What do I know now that I did not know then”. Conversation with Nick Mercer and Victor Stock
For each of these conversations there will be preparatory readings (about 5 pages) which can be downloaded from this webpage clicking on the relevant box. The preparatory readings are optional of course. The conversations will not presuppose previous knowledge of the topic.
Theology 101 is registration only. Please register using the form in the home page.
